demetra stratevaDemetra Strateva
managing partner, attorney

Mrs. Strateva finished her secondary education in 1991 specializing in English language.

From 1991 until 1995 she studied law at the Law Faculty of the Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’, graduating Master of Law in 1997.

Between 1992 and 1993 she is an intern at the ‘Rila Consult – Pandov and Co.’ Law Firm. After that from 1993 until 1996 she works at the ‘Danev, Shopova and Peichev’ Law Firm where she completed her obligatory one year internship under the supervision of Nikolay Danev, attorney /chairman of Sofia Bar Association 1992-1996/.

As of 01.10.1997 she is a member of the Sofia Bar Association.

Since 29.09.2012 she is an attorney at intellectual property in the field of patents, copyright, geographical indications and industrial design.

Mrs. Strateva specializes in commercial law, contract law, real estate law and procedural representation.

She is fluent in English and Russian Language.

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